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A Direct Role In The Conflict

The Role of Hezbollah in the Syrian Civil War

A Direct Role in the Conflict

Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group, has played a significant role in the Syrian Civil War since the conflict began in 2011. The group has provided direct military support to the Syrian government, sending thousands of fighters to the country and providing training, weapons, and logistical support.

Weakening Support Among Syrians

Hezbollah's involvement in the Syrian Civil War has weakened its support among the Syrian public. In the early stages of the conflict, many Syrians saw Hezbollah as a protector against the threat of extremist groups like ISIS. However, as the conflict progressed and Hezbollah became more closely associated with the Syrian government, its popularity among Syrians declined.

An Ally of the Assad Regime

Hezbollah has long been an ally of the Baath government of Syria, ruled by the Al-Assad family. Hezbollah has supported the Syrian government during the Civil War, providing military assistance and helping to prop up the regime.

An Occupation Force in Lebanon

Hezbollah finds a loyal ally in Syria, whose army occupied most of Lebanon during the 1975-1990 Lebanese Civil War. This occupation left a lasting legacy of mistrust between Lebanon and Syria, and Hezbollah has used this to its advantage, portraying itself as a defender of Lebanon against Syrian aggression.

Ongoing Involvement

This paper details Hezbollah's involvement in Syria from the beginning of the conflict to the present. Much of the focus is on 2013, when Hezbollah intervened decisively in the Battle of القصير, a turning point in the war. The paper concludes with an assessment of Hezbollah's current role in Syria and its implications for the future of the conflict.
