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The Ancient Prayer Of Kyrie Eleison

The Ancient Prayer of Kyrie Eleison

Origins and History

Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy) has its roots in the biblical book of Psalms, where it appears in Greek and Aramaic versions. In the Old Testament, the phrase is used as a plea for God's compassion and forgiveness.

Christian Liturgy

Kyrie Eleison became an integral part of Christian worship around the 4th century AD. It is typically recited at the beginning of Mass or other liturgical services as a prayer of humble supplication and acknowledgment of God's sovereignty.

Meaning and Significance

Kyrie Eleison conveys a deep sense of humility and dependence on God. By invoking the Lord's mercy, Christians recognize their own sinfulness and their need for God's grace. The repetition of the phrase creates a powerful rhythm and intensity that amplifies the prayer's impact.

Contemporary Use

Today, Kyrie Eleison is still widely used in various Christian traditions, both Eastern and Western. It serves as a timeless prayer that connects believers across cultures and centuries, expressing the universal longing for God's mercy and compassion.


Kyrie Eleison is a profound and enduring prayer that has resonated with Christians for centuries. Its origins in ancient scriptures, its central role in Christian liturgy, and its timeless message of humility and dependence on God continue to inspire believers today. As we utter these words, we acknowledge our need for God's forgiveness, grace, and protection, and we find solace in the knowledge that the Lord's mercy is always available to those who seek it.
